Divine Light Healing Night
Facilitated by Direct Divine Light Healers
Experience a Divine Light healing, performed in a supportive group setting, as you are guided through a highly effective technique to receive spiritual energy to heal and transform your life. Whether you are seeking physical, mental or emotional transformation, Divine Light healing is a full-spectrum aura therapy.
The aura is key to healing, because it is the place where you generate the spiritual energy to manifest health. Drawing on a 4,000 year mystical tradition, these techniques were developed by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis and built on the clairvoyant experiences of Barbara over five decades. They are taught in their award-winning book The Healing Power of Your Aura which has been endorsed by medical luminaries C. Norman Shealy and Dr. Richard Gerber.
Each month, we will offer insights into the spiritual healing principles with the aura and Divine Light. Participants will be organized into small groups and receive a direct Divine Light healing from our trained spiritual healers. Plus there is a special healing offered on the nervous system to release stresses and tensions.
THE SAI FACULTY come from diverse backgrounds, yet have a common goal to share with others the metaphysical wisdom offered at the Institute. Teaching certification requires a minimum of seven years or more of practice and study. They have been trained by the Institute’s founders and are continuing their advanced studies at SAI to further their spiritual growth and service.
Learn how to Meditate with Divine Light to Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth with the Change Your Aura Change Your Life course.
Offered in-person at:
Spiritual Arts Institute
527 Encinitas Blvd
Suite 206
Encinitas, CA 92024

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Barbara Martin & Dimitri Moraitis
The Healing Power of Your Aura

Lauri Loesch
Associate Teacher
Lauri is a certified Associate Teacher and healer through Spiritual Arts Institute having studied at the Institute for over ten years. As a style and beauty mindset coach, Lauri teaches the power of positive self-perception and redefining beauty.
She is the founder of Ultimate Image Styling and Soul to Sole, a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-expression. She is delighted to help others discover the boundless blessings of the Kingdom of Light Teachings and the unlimited power and potential of their soul.