the world is getting better,
not worse.
there is a new day of mystical renewal on the horizon… when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds will be lifted a little and all humanity will interact more directly with the divine. Join us in the great spiritual adventure. You make the difference. Get Started
Welcome to the premiere metaphysical school for the aura, spiritual healing and soul growth.

Our Founding Teachers

Barbara Y. Martin & Dimitri Moraitis

Authors, Teachers, and Co-Founders of Spiritual Arts Institute

“Your spiritual ascent is the most exciting adventure imaginable.”

Our books, events and programs are developed by the inspired, experienced teachings of our founders and spiritual teachers.

Barbara and Dimitri’s teachings are designed to help accelerate your spiritual growth. They are founded on a rich 4,000 year mystical tradition and built on Barbara’s extensive, clairvoyant experiences over five decades.

Barbara Martin


Dimitri Moraitis

Co-Founder and Spiritual Director

Barbara and Dimitri’s Books

Explore our transformational books offering some of the most comprehensive, in-depth knowledge on metaphysics available anywhere.

Upcoming Events

Featured Event

February 23
12-1:30PM PT
In Person

Change Your Aura
Change Your Life​

Join us at the Live Your Power Expo and Summit for this life changing workshop. Includes aura meditations and book signing.

Divine Light Healing Night

Feb 21
6:30PM PT
In Person

Divine Light
Healing Night​

Experience a Divine Light healing as you are guided through a highly effective technique to receive spiritual energy to heal and transform your life.

Divine Light Healing Night

Mar 20
6:30PM PT
In Person

Divine Light
Healing Night​

Experience a Divine Light healing as you are guided through a highly effective technique to receive spiritual energy to heal and transform your life.

Divine Light MeDitations

MON at 9AM THU at 5PM

Higher Self Meditations

Join us every Monday to experience the transformative power of receiving Divine Light from your Higher Self.

Our Courses and Programs

A Prerequisite to Other Courses

Change Your Aura,
Change Your Life Course

A Six-Week Course To Learn How To Meditate With Divine Light

Based on the bestselling book and built on 50 years of clairvoyant research, this course is a stand-alone training and the gateway to all the programs offered at the Institute.

Discover the most effective, comprehensive meditation to enrich any aspect of your aura and life.

A Comprehensive Spiritual Growth Training

The Seven Spiritual
Arts Program

A Comprehensive, Two Year+ Spiritual Growth Training
As the seven liberal arts were designed to prepare the soul for the intellectual rigors of life, these seven mystical arts offer essential Divine Light principles that build an enduring foundation of spiritual skills which you can apply in any aspect of life from career, finances and relationships to helping you accelerate your own spiritual growth.

Support our Organization

Spiritual Arts Institute is a non-profit organization and depends on public support to carry out its mission to helping souls reach their highest spiritual potential.

Your donations ensure this mission continues for years to come.

Do You Know the Colors of Your Aura?

Uncover the colors reflected in your aura to gain insight into some spiritual energies that are shaping your life.

Support the Institute in its education, publishing
and mission work now through January 2025
Donate Today

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