Discover Your Aura

By changing the quality of your aura
you can change the quality of your life.​

The Aura

Your Vibratory Essence

The aura is a vibratory essence that surrounds all living things. Everything you feel, think, and do radiates a spiritual energy that comes through in different colors, shapes, and hues. The aura is your spiritual blueprint. By changing the quality of your aura, you change the quality of your life.

Whether you wish to strengthen a relationship, kick a bad habit, or come closer to God and your divine source, the spiritual process that can bring about these changes begins in your aura.

Learn how to access the source of your auric power with our Change Your Aura, Change Your Life six week course.

Do you have ​20 minutes a day to improve your life?

Tapping the Source of Your Auric Power

The secret to changing your aura is to tap into the source of your auric power. Through specialized meditations with Divine Light you can access a vast array of spiritual energies to help you in every facet of your life. Mediation is the cornerstone of all metaphysical practice. You need a steady practice of meditation to climb high the spiritual ladder.

“Like snowflakes, no two auras are exactly alike because no two people are going to use the life force of God in exactly the same way.”

Barbara Y. Martin

What are Your Spiritual Colors?

The colors of the aura can vary from the high pearl luster colors of a saint or avatar to the inky blacks and browns of a vicious criminal or tyrant.

Most of us have a combination of bright, enlightened colors as well as some darker, unenlightened colors.

It becomes our job to use the enlightened part of us to transform the unenlightened part until we are completely in the enlightened consciousness.



Emerald Green






Deep Rose-Pink


Carnation Red


Bright Orange




Vitiated Red


Avocado Green


Cocoa Brown




Enlightened Colors



Deep Rose-Pink


Emerald Green


Carnation Red




Bright Orange




Unenlightened Colors



Vitiated Red


Avocado Green


Cocoa Brown





Yes, parts of our aura are constantly changing depending on how we are thinking and feeling. That is our saving grace. We are never stuck with an aura the way it is.

Everyone has the potential, but it requires a great deal of effort and discipline. The goal is to develop your soul’s potential, and seeing auras is a by product of that evolution at the right time.

The aura is your spiritual support system. To change a condition in your life, you must first change your aura.

Yes! You do not need to see the aura to work with it any more than you need to see your heart to know it is beating. By sensing the aura and understanding its characteristics, you can apply it in your life and see results.

Your aura improves with your every good word, thought, act, and deed. And you can change your aura by working with spiritual energy.


Although no two auras are exactly alike, the basic structure and components of the aura are the same for everyone.


Even if one is not aware of it, every living soul has an auric field.

The aura is where you forge your spiritual mettle and where your spiritual unfolding germinates.

The beauty of meditating with Divine Light is you are focusing your mind on the Light and spiritual attribute you are calling on. This helps to center and focus the mind.

Meditation is your one-on-one time with the Divine. Make room for meditation in your life and watch how all your other activities fall into place.

There are a variety of meditation techniques to suit the needs and temperament of the individual. Our recommendation in starting a new meditation practice is to suspend any other meditation you may be doing and focus on the meditation you wish to explore giving it some time. Your application of the meditative practice will tell you if the practice is right for you.

There is a technique to calling on the Divine Light. Yet like any art or skill, the more you do it the better you get at it.

There is a cumulative effect of daily meditation that is essential for spiritual growth.

Do You Know the Colors of Your Aura?

Uncover the colors reflected in your aura to gain insight into some spiritual energies that are shaping your life.

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