The Teachers Behind the Kingdom of Light Teachings

The teachers behind the Kingdom of Light teachings After many years of offering classes in metaphysics on her own, Barbara found a dedicated student who became her collaborator and director of Spiritual Arts Institute (SAI). While Barbara has been a recognized spiritual teacher for many years, Dimitri has now emerged as a teacher of The Kingdom of Light Teachings ™. In this second interview, I wanted to know more about their collaboration.

Adriana: Hello Barbara and Dimitri, it is a pleasure to talk more about these exciting teachings that both of you are offering through SAI. Let’s begin by asking Barbara, how did you begin your career in these marvelous teachings?

  • Barbara: I was seeing auras practically my whole life and slowly over time learned to harness my clairvoyant gifts. I trained for many years and even then slowly started formally teaching. I was first trained in the Hermetic tradition at eleven years old! Then later I studied with a very enlightened soul in Los Angeles. She helped me put together the many things I had been learning and experiencing and came to better understand the source of these teachings. She called them Christos Wisdom.

A: Was it an easy road?

  • B: People showed an interest right away, but metaphysics is not an easy road. There were many challenges but also many rewards. It’s an honor to be part of this work and to be able to help others.

A: You’ve been teaching on the aura and many other metaphysical topics for years, yet it is now that you are sharing the nature of these teachings. What prompted you to start sharing the name of this wisdom–The Kingdom of Light Teachings™ ?

  • B: The time feels right. And I was certainly prompted by the Higher to do so. People have tried different things and are now ready for more.

A: You have worked with Dimitri for many years and I know that you shared many interests in common including writing three extraordinary books together, but when did you know that Dimitri was meant to teach this work as well?

  • B: Right away. It was in his aura, but it took many years to develop.

A: What is it like to share the teaching stage with Dimitri?

  • B: It’s good to share. I think we complement each other well. The balance is good. I have my skills and he has his.

A: Have you always been in agreement in regards as to who does what?

  • B: There’s been no conflict that way because these teachings are not our own. The guidance comes from the Higher. Again we have our own character, naturally, but the work speaks for itself.

A: Is there any fun anecdote that you would like to share with us about your experience of teaching together?

  • B: Of course we like to keep our classes and workshops fun and engaging as well as informative. I remember one time, we were getting ready for a workshop and Dimitri was asking everyone to come closer so I could get a clearer picture of everyone aura. I saw a woman in the back who was not moving. It turned out she was a spirit from the other side! She was close to one particular woman in class and when I started to describe presence, the woman became teary-eyed as I was describing her mother who was recently deceased.

A: Now Dimitri, I’d like to ask you what made you let go of your career in filmmaking to devote yourself to working with Barbara?

  • Dimitri: It was an inner prompting. When I had my spiritual awakening, it almost wasn’t a choice. While I made metaphysics my first priority, I didn’t just walk away from film. I was still involved for years, but it had stopped being the driving force as it had been before.

A: Was it an easy decision to make? Or did you have any doubts?

  • D: I like filmmaking and still do, but there was no doubt as to what had to be done. I tried to do both for a while, but it didn’t work out that way.

A: What I find interesting is that in the past interview you told us that this is not a path that requires leaving your life behind, yet in some way you did this? Do you care to share why?

  • D: Actually what we say is not to suddenly drop everything to pursuit metaphysics. Spiritual development is different from your purpose or the career your pursuit. Some people feel they have to drop everything to be spiritual and that simply is not true. And even for those who are meant to be metaphysical teachers, you don’t start right away. It was many years after I started that metaphysics became my full-time profession.

A: When you joined Barbara did you aspire to become a teacher like her?

  • D: Not at all. I was very happy being a student. I knew I had a strong spiritual potential and thought we would write together. It was much later that teaching came into the picture, and it was very much a surprise.

A: How did you become a teacher for The Kingdom of Light Teachings™ ?

  • D: The beautiful thing of working on the path is you are guided. I’m sure the higher was steering me in this direction all along, but it wasn’t until we produced our first book The Kingdom of Light (which became Change Your Aura, Change Your Life) that it became clear teaching was to be my life work.

A: What is one of the most exciting things in sharing these teachings?

  • D: I’m very excited by all it offers and it’s gratifying to share the wisdom with others.

A: What has been the greatest blessing you have received by being Barbara’s student and colleague?

  • D: That’s a whole book by itself! What do you say about someone who helped you rediscover your life’s purpose? Barbara and the Holy Ones have completely changed my life for the better. I would not be able to do what I do now, without her unfailing guidance. I’m still very much her student as there is much more to learn.

A: Once again thank you both for you time and insights. I invite the readers of this blog to submit your questions and comments. In the meantime have wonderful “filled with light” week.

Barbara Y. Martin is an internationally renowned clairvoyant, award-winning author, and spiritual teacher. Dimitri Moraitis is co-author and executive director of Spiritual Arts Institute. Their latest book Karma and Reincarnation: Unlocking Your 800 Lives to Enlightenment is published by Penguin/Tarcher. Adriana Paredes M A – M Ed.-CEAF is a visual artist, poet, teacher, certified expressive arts facilitator, and marketing director for Spiritual Arts a visual artist, poet, teacher, and marketing director for Spiritual Arts Institute.


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