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Uplifting Your Four Key Spiritual Chakras

Four Key Spiritual Chakras

As part of our spiritual anatomy, we each have spheres of light in our bodies which resemble radiant suns. Commonly known by their ancient Sanskrit name chakras, these energy centers in our aura are key areas of spiritual transformation and expression. If the aura is the first place we make changes in our life, the chakras are the first place we make changes in our aura.

Our energy centers are receiving and transmitting stations for spiritual energy in our aura. Each of these centers are responsible for a different aspect of our consciousness, activity, and spiritual expression.

Of the seven chakras, four are especially important in meditating with Divine Light.

These four key spiritual chakras are:

1. The Mental Center

Mental Chakra

(Gold with a beautiful point of white light in the center)

Located in the center of the forehead and not to be confused with the third eye, this energy center is the nucleus of your conscious thinking self. It’s constantly receiving and transmitting thoughts, and these thoughts are extremely powerful. It’s essential to keep your thoughts as elevated as possible.

2. The Throat Center

Throat Chakra

(Gold with a magnificent royal blue diamond-shaped nucleus)

Located in the middle of the throat, through this center you project the spiritual power behind your words. You may think you’re just making sounds, but behind those sounds is potent spiritual power when you speak in a positive tone.

3. The Hermetic (Heart) Center

Heart Chakra

(Gold with a brilliant emerald green point in the middle)

Located in the middle of the chest, this energy center deals with your personal world affairs — how you energetically interact with the outer world. Everything going on in your life is making an energetic connection through the chakra. Your attitude and approach to life is strongly reflected in your heart chakra.

4. The Emotional Center

Emotional Chakra

(Gold with a beautiful deep rose pink nucleus)

Centered just above the navel, this center is the energetic nucleus of your emotions, your feeling nature. Spiritually speaking, emotions are the engine that gives life to your thoughts. A thought with emotion behind it is very strong and will propel the soul to action.

Of all the aspects of the aura to meditate and work with, no question the most time and attention needs to be focused on these four spiritual energy centers.

Get these aspects of your consciousness in good shape, and you will be much more responsive to divine inspiration and guidance that flows to you. You will be much more productive and joyful in your life, and you will help to accelerate your spiritual evolution.

To learn more about the chakras and how to meditate with Divine Light, you can purchase a copy of the updated 25th Anniversary Edition of “Change Your Aura, Change Your Life” or take our life-changing six-week “Change Your Aura, Change Your Life Course.”

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