Fulfilling Your Career Potential With The Aura

The pursuit of a career is one of the dominant themes of our life. How we approach our career becomes one of the most important spiritual lessons. For some, a job is a simply paycheck. It is a way to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Yet from the spiritual perspective, a career is much more than this. It’s our act of service. It reflects how well we are participating in the divine plan of life. Whether we are aware of it, each of us comes to this earth with a purpose. A career will be a reflection of that purpose.

Fulfilling Your Career Potential with the Aura

In the auric field, there are spiritual energies that are directly related to your work life. To generate anything, you need spiritual power. So to create a healthy work life, you have to generate the spiritual energy in your aura to be successful.

The part of your aura that is strongly connected to your career and purpose is your heart chakra (the Hermetic Center). This spiritual center is the energetic nucleus of your personal affairs. Everything that is going on in your outer world is making a spiritual connection in your Hermetic Center—this includes your finances, relationships, situations and your job!

The basic career color of your career path is clairvoyantly seen as a white light within the Hermetic center. In expression of your career, a variety of other spiritual energies can be seen as well. For example, if you are going in the wrong direction in your career, a grey energy can be seen moving around the heart chakra. This indicates a distressing situation is going on. On the other hand if your career is moving in a healthy way, the auric color often goes to gold. This shows you are in a dynamic activity of your career. You have a good work ethic and the things you are doing alignment with your spiritual purpose.

A key to your success or failure in a career is attitude. Some people have a poor work ethic. They may be unhappy at work or feel the work they do is beneath them, and their performance suffers. Or they don’t try hard enough and wonder why they are feeling unfulfilled. All these things will affect the potential of what you can be and diminish the power in your aura.

There is a wonderful spiritual discipline related to a healthy work life called Karma Yoga—the path of right action. A key principle in this yoga is that right action is more important than the results of that action. What does this tell you? Certainly we set goals for ourselves to reach, but the most important thing is how you conduct yourself in your career pursuits. The outcome of your action is secondary. If you are not sure what to do with your job, take action to the best of your ability and life will take care of the rest. If you let fear or worry get the better of you, it will hinder your career potential. As you take right action, you brighten your aura and eventually that energy will show up in your life.

There is a destiny when it comes to your career. There may be bumps on the road but that does not change your destiny. Meditating with the emerald green ray of balance helps keep you steady and patient through career challenges. Meditating with the gold light is excellent to bring inner strength and courage to do your best. The Divine Light is an indispensable aid to nurture your aura with the spiritual power to succeed in your career.

In light and love,

Barbara Martin & Dimitri Moriatis


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