Spiritual Insights for the Holiday Season

Aura Inspirations

In this season of good cheer, it is our joy to offer you insights from the spiritual hierarchy for this holiday season and New Year 2015.

The Divine shares that this year our humble planet received a new ray of power. This power was not just for humanity but for all the kingdoms of nature and for the planet itself. As it unfolds in the coming years, it will bring new opportunities in all aspects of life – especially spiritual opportunities. This does not means the New Age is here as many hope. What is does mean is that our efforts today will help lay the groundwork for the New Age that is to come.

During the holiday season, the spiritual hierarchy blesses humanity with a lot of Divine Light. The Divine urges us to truly be our highest self.  Take the high road in all situations and exchanges with others. If you see others who are despondent or in need, do your best to upliftment and help them. Remember we are all brothers and sisters in Light.

The Holy Ones caution us not to despair when we see discouraging things happening in the world. It is too easy to take the gloom-and-doom approach to life.  This is not the way the Higher sees things and is more a reflection of our own fears and concerns rather than what is really happening. Yes, there are challenges in the world, big challenges. Yet the Higher sees there are some very bright days ahead for humanity.

The Higher also shares that some of the darker influences that have been a scourge on humanity for too long is finally showing signs of weakening. While there is still too much evil in the world, that evil is gradually losing momentum.  This is excellent news, but they also caution us to stay very much alert as there can still be tumultuous days ahead before things are more fully resolved.

Spiritual Insights for the Holiday Season 2015

Looking to 2015, the Divine indicates this is going to be a year of being industrious. It will be a year of work, yet also a year of productivity.  Above all, the message from the Divine is to “Love God.” Life is holy and you are an immortal spark of that holy life. Recognize the intelligence and divinity that is in you and the infinite intelligence and divinity that is God.

During this time, celebrate the Divine Light and the glories of the spiritual hierarchy, especially its leader –  the Lord of Wisdom Light. As shared in Communing with the Divine, this Celestial Lord Christ is nondenominational and loves and blesses humanity equally.

In Divine Love and Light,

Barbara Y. Martin & Dimitri Moraitis


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