The 12 World Cultural Rays – Spiritual Arts Institute

While we think of culture as relating to social behaviors and customs around the world, from the metaphysical perspective, culture deals with the noble expression of divine attributes. These attributes are the reflection of twelve streams of power that flow from the heaven worlds. They weave into every aspect of society, both individually and collectively. They inspire humanity to be its highest and best self.

The spiritual cultural rays are embodied in every land, country and ethnic group. These energy rays keep us engaged and interactive with each other as part of the collective growing process. We learn from each other. In building these rays’ attributes, cooperation and communication are key tools to keep life balanced, as all twelve cultural rays are equally valuable and essential to the divine plan.

What’s more, you are born under one of these heavenly rays. In the aura, this energy can be clairvoyantly seen radiating from the heart chakra. As part of your spiritual growth, you are meant to express your cultural ray attribute to unfold your soul qualities and better cooperate with others and the cultural rays they embody. Throughout the full breadth of your spiritual evolution, you will experience and embody all twelve spiritual attributes as part of building your character.

Understanding the attributes of the cultural rays are keys to building better social and spiritual communities. There are many attributes of the divine life to embody, yet the attributes of the twelve heavenly rays hold a special place in your spiritual development. These attributes are:

Love • Joy • Confidence • Health
Abundance • Patience • Beauty • Truth
Peace • Wisdom • Charity • Eternal life

Reflect on these twelve attributes and how by expressing these powers of heaven you are drawing closer to your eternal self.

In expressing the cultural rays, practice tolerance. Tolerance is the ability to accept other beliefs that you may not agree with because the relationship with others is more important than if you agree or disagree on particular issues. This opens up your spiritual flow and keeps the bond of compassion and fellowship alive and thriving.

In the auric field, tolerance shows as a beautiful royal blue light. It reveals sincerity, integrity and dedication. On the other hand, when someone is intolerant, when they cannot entertain ideas beyond what they are already familiar with, this can be seen in the aura as a dark, dirty-red energy and sometimes a dark, brownish energy. This person can be stubborn, combative and resistant.

The twelve world cultural rays teach us how important it is to embody the divine life. They teach us how the heaven worlds bless us every day and how important it is to tune into the heavenly vibration in all of our activities. The cultural rays reveal how cooperation with others is built into the very spiritual design of humanity as a way to learn and grow together.

The Bible speaks of a time when all humanity was of one language and speech. Through pride and arrogance, humanity broke that unity. As civilization becomes more and more a global village, and despite great challenges and setbacks, we are coming upon a golden opportunity when humanity can unite once again in the great commonwealth of people and nations.


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