Can the Color of Your Clothes Affect… Your Aura?

Can the Color of Your Clothes Affect Your Aura?

Wearing certain colors can influence our energy and mood. Why? Because the physical color of your clothes is influencing and affecting your spiritual aura! How does this work? What colors are best to wear? And what colors should we definitely stay away from wearing?

First a little background: The aura is spiritual energy. Everything you think, feel, and do radiates a spiritual energy that comes through in various colors and hues. These colors and hues are collectively known as the aura. It is through the miracle of your aura that Divine Light expresses itself in you.

Divine Light is a spiritual energy.

Its colors carry all attributes of God to us, such as God’s wisdom (Gold Ray), God’s prosperity (Turquoise Ray), and God’s love (Pink Ray). Your aura is your current expression of how you are using Divine Light.

Color is a door to consciousness.

We can bring Divine Light to us through conscious meditative prayer and visualization. However, when you wear a color, that color will interplay with your aura on an unconscious level and it will help you attract the corresponding light to you.

When you wear bright colors that reflect enlightened spiritual energies, they help uplift the aura in specific ways: For example:

Dark, gloomy colors represent unenlightened energies in the aura. When you wear these colors, depending on your intention, they can create a discouraging, draining effect on your aura and consciousness. Please note that this has nothing to do with the color of your skin, eyes, or hair.

So wearing certain colors can influence our energy and mood because the physical color of your clothes affects your spiritual aura! With this in mind, what colors will you be wearing today in order to uplift your aura, and what colors will you consider putting back in the closet?

To learn more about how the colors you wear affect your aura, refer to the “Fashion And Color” chapter in our updated 25th Anniversary Edition of “Change Your Aura, Change Your Life.”

To take a deep dive and accelerate your spiritual growth, take our life-changing six-week “Change Your Aura, Change Your Life Course.”


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