Communing with the Divine

Of the clairvoyant gifts I have been blessed with, I count my connection with the Holy Ones as my most essential. From the first experience of seeing an angel at age three, the Holy Ones of Divine Light have been my constant companions and support personally, professionally, and spiritually.

I have been a metaphysical teacher for more than forty years now. I am primarily known for my work with the auric field and have taught thousands to better themselves by working with their aura and spiritual energy. Yet behind all metaphysical work is the spiritual hierarchy. I simply could not do my metaphysical work without their constant support.

The spiritual hierarchy is the administrator of God’s divine plan. This holy order ranges from advanced souls in the human kingdom to glorious angels, archangels, and planetary leaders. These Holy Ones have been on the spiritual path for a long time, many for eons, and have evolved enormously. They work to uplift humanity and form the evolutionary link connecting us to God. These exalted beings work on different levels of unfoldment, which is why it’s called a hierarchy, yet all work in perfect harmony with one another. Together, they form the evolutionary chain that links all life from the simplest amoeba to the most radiant archangel.


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