Communing With the Divine Course​

a Seven Spiritual Arts Program Course

Course Overview

How to work with celestial beings and build a stronger communication with Divine

From Moses talking to the Divine through the vision of the burning bush to the intimate spiritual inspirations we receive every day, humanity has always had a special connection to the Divine. We are not meant to walk blindly through life without understanding. God had given us the tools to operate with full awareness and spiritual knowing, but we have to build this awareness through the way we live our life.

This course covers the sacred art of theophany – communication with the Divine. Learn how the Higher works with you every day to help you reach your spiritual destiny. Discover how to develop your intuitive powers to perceive the Divine and what the Higher is saying to you. In addition, you will learn about the various types of spiritual communication, including the difference between psychic and spiritual visions, and dangers to watch out for while walking the path of Light.

Topics Covered

Book Illustrations

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Communing with the Divine

A Clairvoyant’s Guide to Angels, Archangels and the Spiritual Hierarchy

By Award-winning Authors and Spiritual Teachers

Barbara Y. Martin & Dimitri Moraitis

“All seekers of truth yearn for the mystical experience. In this remarkable journey, you do not walk alone. With you is your indispensable partner to success—the spiritual hierarchy.”

The Angelic Keys to Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose

Award-winning authors Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis explore the sacred art of communing with celestial beings. Based on Martin’s extensive direct clairvoyant experiences, this book will teach you to work closely with angels, archangels, and other divine beings who guide you in day-to-day living and help you achieve your destiny. You will learn how to strengthen your intuitive powers and hear what the divine is telling you, as well as thrilling accounts of Martin’s compelling personal encounters with celestial beings and her eye-opening encounters with dark spirits.

In Communing with the Divine, you will discover:

Biographies of authors

Barbara Martin


One of the great metaphysical teachers of our time, Barbara was born with the gift of seeing the aura in all its subtleties. Affectionately known as the “Mozart of metaphysics,” she was one of the first to lecture in-depth on the human energy field.

Dimitri Moraitis

Co-Founder & Spiritual Director

Dimitri is an illuminated metaphysical teacher, healer and co-author. Under the direct wisdom and training of Barbara, and now through his own spiritual connection, Dimitri’s mission is to continue to bring the Kingdom of Light Teachings to the world for many years to come.

50 Years Of Direct, Clairvoyant Experience

The Seven Spiritual Arts Books

Program courses are built on Barbara and Dimitri’s best-selling books offering some of the most comprehensive, in-depth knowledge on metaphysics available anywhere. Their books have been endorsed by medical luminaries, Dr. Norman Shealy and Dr. Richard Gerber, as well as New Science pioneers Amit Goswami and Noble prize nominee Ervin Laszlo. They have received the Benjamin Franklin book award The Nautilus book award for excellence.

Of the clairvoyant gifts I have been blessed with, I count my connection with the Holy Ones as my most essential. From the first experience of seeing an angel at age three, the Holy Ones of Divine Light have been my constant companions and support personally, professionally, and spiritually.

I have been a metaphysical teacher for more than forty years now. I am primarily known for my work with the auric field and have taught thousands to better themselves by working with their aura and spiritual energy. Yet behind all metaphysical work is the spiritual hierarchy. I simply could not do my metaphysical work without their constant support.

The spiritual hierarchy is the administrator of God’s divine plan. This holy order ranges from advanced souls in the human kingdom to glorious angels, archangels, and planetary leaders. These Holy Ones have been on the spiritual path for a long time, many for eons, and have evolved enormously. They work to uplift humanity and form the evolutionary link connecting us to God. These exalted beings work on different levels of unfoldment, which is why it’s called a hierarchy, yet all work in perfect harmony with one another. Together, they form the evolutionary chain that links all life from the simplest amoeba to the most radiant archangel.

Do You Know the Colors of Your Aura?

Uncover the colors reflected in your aura to gain insight into some spiritual energies that are shaping your life.

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