Talent shows itself beautifully in the aura. It comes through as an electric blue light. When the talent is pronounced, this energy will be radiating brilliantly. There is a whole division of the aura connected to talents and abilities because creativity plays such an important part in our spiritual development. We are all meant to be creative in some way. Talent, by the way, is not limited to artistic talent. Skills and abilities are part of talent as well. If a person has electric blue strongly present in his or her aura, it indicates this person has reached a high level of accomplishment in their skill or talent. Either this soul has brought in this talent from a past life or has developed it in this life. Either way, the key is to keep building your talent as this is part of your spiritual development and divine destiny.

Unlocking the Power of Numerology Workshop
Numerology is the spiritual science of numbers and language and their influence on human life. Numbers, letters and language systems