The Journey

Blessings beautiful souls! This inspiring poem was written by Andrea Chinn Parillo after she received a karma chart session with Barbara Y. Martin . It is our joy to share her revelations with you.

Enlightened journey

The Journey

I have no memory of planning this journey.
I am no longer privy to its specific mission, important themes, or significant events.
But I know I was anxious for it to begin and had every confidence I would navigate it well.
And so it began. Reality faded and illusion became real.

The confidence of my soul faded from my awareness and I struggled to remember who I am and what I came here so earnestly to achieve.
At times I feel so broken like I have been shattered into a million pieces.
Each piece lost and splintered longing to be united with the whole.
I know this life is a journey to heal these aspects and integrate them into the wholeness of my being.
This takes me to places I have avoided for a very long time.
Sometimes I go bravely but mostly I am afraid.

It is easy to lose your way here, to become disoriented, to be distracted.
But you knew this when you planned your journey and so safety values were installed and signposts sprinkled along the way.
Still, there are times I’ve felt off course, like I’ve wandered off the intended path and found myself in some foreign place.
But perhaps this too is part of the journey.
The journey is not defined by a single road. Rather, it offers many detours and countless paths.
And while some paths take us further from our destination, we will never find ourselves without a path home.
Sometimes we chose the most direct route, but mostly we do not.

After countless detours, we learn to more clearly interpret the signposts.
And as our inner longing grows, we forgo many of the indirect routes and seek our destination with earnest.
We discover we’ve never been without the compass we have sought. We have only to learn to use it.
We learn we must come to stillness, we must find our inner peace.
Only here can we hear the subtle whispers of our soul.
Only in this still place can we know the wisdom which is within us.
Only then can we be free.

–Andrea Chinn Parillo


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