When Healing Leads You Into a New Path

By Adriana Paredes MA MEd, SAI Staff Seeing the light in times of darkness can eventually lead you to a new path. In this story Susan a 29 year old cancer survivor and her mother created a new life becoming bakers and entrepreneurs after going through one of their lives darkest moments. Both Susan and […]
Remote Healing With Prayer – Spiritual Arts Institute

By Adriana Paredes MA MEd, SAI Staff Could it be possible? Could the prayers of a handful of people help someone — even someone on the other side of the world? “ Kopan Buddhist Monks are praying for a man named “Jimmy P.” in Nepal. On other parts of the world, American Sufi Muslims join […]
Spiritual Healing With Dance – Spiritual Arts Institute

by Adriana Paredes -Spiritual Arts Staff In Kolkata, India, girls gather to twist and turn, laughing and joking as they try to dance to the music. At first glance it may seem like another ordinary dance class, except for one thing: The participants are all victims of horrific crimes. It is a dance therapy session […]
Can Art Heal Spiritually? – Spiritual Arts Institute

By Adriana Paredes, Spiritual Arts Staff Can writing about our traumas aid in the healing process? Dr. James W. Pennebaker, a psychology professor at The University of Texas at Austin and author of several books, is a pioneer in the study of using expressive writing as a route to healing. His research has shown that […]
Can Art Heal Spiritually? – Spiritual Arts Institute

Healing Trauma with Visual Arts (part news of spiritual-healing) By Adriana Paredes –SAI Staff Writer “Wherever the soul is in need, art presents itself as a resourceful healer.” – Shaun McNiff Ph D, Art therapist The visual arts are being used as a means to help people heal from painful experiences that are too difficult […]
Can Art Heal?

The Healing Power of Music (Part living-light of spiritual-healing) By Adriana Paredes -Staff Writer Creative expression can make a powerful contribution to the healing process and has been embraced in many different cultures. Cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien shares that shamans and medicine men believe that the moment a person stops singing and dancing that person […]
Forgiveness for Health – Spiritual Arts Institute

“To err is human, to forgive divine.” The act of asking and giving forgiveness is an essential part of the human experience. Whether your child breaks your favorite vase, someone cuts you off in traffic, your co-worker bad mouths you at work, or you and your spouse have a misunderstanding, every day we encounter situations […]
Gratitude Heals

by Jaqueline Marie – Staff Writer “Thanks are the highest form of thought; gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” ~G.K. Chesterton The simple act of being thankful has the power to transform our lives. U.C. Davis professor Robert Emmons is the world’s leading authority on the study of gratitude. Since beginning his research in the […]
The Power of Prayer

By Jaqueline Marie – Staff Writer Can prayer heal? For centuries metaphysics has advocated the power of prayer as a key means of healing. Now science is beginning to understand what the mystics have known all along – prayer heals. Not long ago science scoffed at the idea of prayer and meditation having an effect […]
Spiritual Healing for Cancer

It is our great pleasure to share with you the work of one of our students, Shon Prem Bon Soeng. Shon is a student in the Teacher Training Program and is certified with the institute as a spiritual healer. She recently began participating in a clinical study at prestigious hospital in Israel as to the […]
Love in Healing

Excerpt from Barbara and Dimitri’s book, The Healing Power of Your Aura: “Healing is not complete without love. Love is the cornerstone of all successful healings. Spiritual healing is not an intellectual process. True Spiritual healing comes from the heart. Love connects us to God and the creative process of life. It gives you the […]
Healing at the Spiritual Arts Institute

“The service of healing is one of the greatest ways to bring you closer to the Divine.” – Barbara Y. Martin Healing is the cornerstone of spiritual work conducted at the institute. It is an essential part of the aura and spiritual growth. Effectively applying the principles of spiritual healing is the secret to healthy […]
What is The Cause of Illness – Spiritual Arts Institute

Excerpt from The Healing Power of Your Aura: “There are two basic causes of illness: spiritual and physical. If you are ill, it means that somewhere, you have broken or stepped out of alignment with a physical or spiritual law (or both!) and are feeling that disharmony as illness or disease.” Illness is the body’s […]
How Does Spiritual Arts Institute Define Health?

Health means living in harmony with the natural and spiritual laws of life. Within our body is an intricate process that governs the body’s life. When all is flowing and coordinated, we experience health. Break a physical or spiritual law, and we suffer and experience illness. Healing is the process of bringing the body back […]
The Aura: Relation to Health – Spiritual Arts Institute

The aura is essential to healing. The aura is the first place you generate energy for the body to maintain good health. There is a whole division of the aura dedicated to physical well-being. This health division shows itself in several ways. For example, the organs of the body each have their own aura. When […]
The Power of Healing

Recently, the institute received a wonderful testimonial from a man who was greatly helped by the aura healing techniques. Many wonderful testimonials have come in, yet the immediacy of this story was particularly touching. This healing was done by a student who only recently had received her healing certification. Yet she was able to be […]