The 12 World Cultural Rays – Spiritual Arts Institute

While we think of culture as relating to social behaviors and customs around the world, from the metaphysical perspective, culture deals with the noble expression of divine attributes. These attributes are the reflection of twelve streams of power that flow from the heaven worlds. They weave into every aspect of society, both individually and collectively. They inspire humanity to be its highest and best self.
Mar/Apr 2016 Newsletter – Spiritual Arts Institute

Latest News What an exciting time it is for the institute! We have moved into our new center and are preparing for our grand opening June spiritual-healing & meditative-prayers. There will be an open house as well as a virtual open house with workshops and events. A lot of work is going on to build […]
Q&A with Barbara and Dimitri

Your Spiritual Questions Answered! Every month Barbara and Dimitri answer your most pressing questions about metaphysics and spiritual growth. Uri R. asks: Do we keep the same guardian angels through many lives or do they change every time we reincarnate? Answer: Our Guardian angels change. They can change even within the same lifetime, but the continuity […]
Harmony and Vibration

We hear so much about mind-body-soul harmony. Certainly it is our job to bring these differing facets of our nature into balance and equilibrium. In addition to harmonizing with each other, mind, body and soul must be in harmony within themselves. If the body is not harmonized, it is difficult to balance the body with […]
Expressing Your Creative Nature With Spirituality & Art

By Adriana Paredes- SAI Staff writer “In a time when the funds for arts in schools continue to be trimmed down, El Sistema is shining example of the essential place the arts have in a productive, well-balanced Violin education. El Sistema is a musical program that teaches classical music to impoverished children in Venezuela. Dr. […]
Benefits of Being in Nature – Spiritual Arts Institute

by Adriana Paredes- SAI Staff. “According to a recent study the more time you spend outdoors away from the daily stresses of life the greater your level of creativity. The new study arrived at this conclusion after several backpackers took a test in creative problem solving before and after spending four days in nature away […]
Modern Miracles

By Adriana Paredes -SAI Staff We all love to hear stories of modern-day miracles. In Ventura, CA, “Things From Heaven” is a small gallery that sells the artwork of painting Andy Lakey. It has become a popular location for those looking for a miracle. In 1985 in a New Years’ party, Andy Lakey overdosed with […]
How to Purify Your Home of Negative Energy

Updated: March 24, 2016 Clearing negative energy from your home is a simple, essential task. Your home is your personal temple, and regular purification of negative energy is the key to keeping your sacred space a place of positivity, happiness and peace. A clean, clear environment is conducive to a clean, clear mind and heart. […]
Nurturing Our Children’s Creativity & Spirituality

The imagination and creativity of a child is a precious gift. Paul Collard is the CEO of Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE), a UK-based organization funded by government “to unlock the creative potential of children and young people, in order to prepare them for success in the creative economy of the 21st century.” Paul explains, […]
Return to Silence

“Nothing in all creation is so like God as silence.” – Meister Eckhart In the modern world we are inundated with noise. This constant stream of sound pollution – from zooming cars, to beeping computers, buzzing fridges, blaring televisions and ringing cellphones – is serving to keep us distracted and off balance. In 2007 the […]
Live Simply

“Live simply that others might simply live.” – Elizabeth Ann Seton To live simply is to learn to let go. By letting go of the need to be right, the need to have/do/be more, the need for others approval, etc., we free ourselves from the illusions of this world and begin to bear witness to […]
The Forgiveness Principles

“Forgiveness is ESSENTIAL to healing any relationship. It is also an ESSENTIAL part of light work and our spiritual ascent. We’re not perfected yet, so we’re inevitably going to make mistakes. As a result, there will be countless times when we’ll need to ask for forgiveness, or be forgiving, so we’d better become good at […]
The Power of Strengthening the Emotional Nature

Your Emotional Nature is instrumental in your development as a spiritual being. Your Emotional states of consciousness are going to make or break you, no matter how much knowledge you’ve acquired – If you cannot conquer challenging emotional states, you’re going nowhere spiritually. In the natural rhythm of life there are ups and downs. It […]
The Aura and Marriage

Q: How can the aura help when spouses begin to feel less compatible with each other? As we know, there are many dynamics that go into creating and sustaining a successful marriage. Love is always number one. Without love, no marriage can sustain itself to grow and mature. Certainly we have to be adaptable and […]
President Obama and National Karma

A very interesting spiritual element of the presidential inauguration is its connection to national karma. Many dynamics have come together at this same time, yet part of the reason there is such euphoria connected to President Obama and the new administration is a shifting in national karma and its effect on the world. Every nation […]
Facing Your Fears with the Golden Ray of Wisdom

Fear can certainly have a paralyzing effect upon our lives. It can stop us from going out and doing all that we’re capable of achieving. The thing with fear is it won’t go away by itself. You have to stand up to your fears; you have to face them sooner or later. The mistake too […]
Joy and Happiness

The very words are exciting and uplifting. We are all looking for more joy and happiness in our lives. Yet, from the spiritual perspective, joy and happiness are not the same things! Joy is of the spirit while happiness is part of our human experience. You might say that happiness is a stepping stone to […]
Get Into the Holiday Spirit – Spiritual Arts Institute

The Holiday season is a special time as the divine down-rays a tremendous amount of light during this time to uplift humanity. Regardless of our religious affiliation, God loves us all and uses this time to touch deep into our soul. Do your best to stay in as high a spiritual place as you can […]
The Joy of Gratitude

Most people who are spiritually minded understand and express gratitude. When it comes to expressing gratitude to God, we are stepping into a state of eternal gratitude, for God is always in the process of giving to us. In the aura, gratitude shows up as a beautiful pink light especially around the emotional body. When […]