The Aura and the Transcendent Consciousness
As we celebrate the 25th anniversary (third edition) of Change Your Aura, Change Your Life, our knowledge and understanding of the auric field has blossomed. From time immemorial, mystics have been well-versed in the auric field, because this is where we forge our spiritual mettle. In more modern times, Theosophy and other metaphysical teachings brought […]
Your Aura and Living in Spiritual Rhythm
We all know how busy life can get. It can feel like your life is running you, rather than you running your life. The key to a healthy life is balance where your different activities are working in harmony with each other. In the body, we call this homeostasis. When the body is in harmony, […]
The Aura Reflects Your Life – Spiritual Arts Institute
![Aura and Your Life Video](
Your aura reflects everything that’s going on in your life every facet of your life expression, every facet of your character, every facet of your talent is reflected in your auric field. Because it takes power to express everything, even our character traits, even our talents: our ability to sing, our ability to dance, our ability to think, all of that needs is spiritual power to operate and all that’s reflected in your auric field.
How Does The Aura Help Me In My Spiritual Growth?
In the pursuit of spiritual development, there is an essential part of us that we employ which gives us the power to grow spiritually. This essential part is your auric field.The aura is not just about pretty colors around someone. The aura is an essential part of your life, because the aura is the blueprint of the soul.
Animals: Spiritual Evolution | Spiritual Arts Institute
Animals play an essential part in the grand plan of life. Yet too often, we think of animals simply as things to serve us when in fact, they have souls and are on an evolutionary path just as we are. Animals look up to humanity for love and inspiration. We, in the human kingdom, have […]
The Inner Aura and Your Spiritual Potential
Each of us has a miraculous spiritual power within us. We call this power the aura, or human energy field. The aura is God’s light in you. It is your personal expression of the infinite universal life force. This auric power can be perceived as brilliant iridescent colors. You are a being of fathomless color. […]
The Aura of Relationships
Updated: February living-light, 2016 It goes without saying that relationships are a huge area of our lives. How we handle our interactions with others becomes one of the most important lessons we can learn and is a key component in our spiritual growth. The dynamics of our relationships show up very clearly in the aura. […]
Habits of Joyful People – Spiritual Arts Institute
By Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis Life isn’t always easy. So how do joyful people get through a rough day? Here are some guidelines for a joyful life from The Kingdom of Light Teachings to use day-to-day to help meet challenges with a smile. Have A Spiritual Practice Joy is a perpetual state of […]
The Prosperity Prayer
This month we wish to gift you our Prosperity Prayer to help activate your financial exchanges, quicken your spiritual abundance, and bring you into the consciousness of true wealth. It is at the actual exchange of money that we can often lose sight of our spiritual perspective. Whenever you exchange money, whether incoming or outgoing, […]
A Meditative Prayer for Father’s Day
Our meditation for June is dedicated to the sacred masculine, the powerful dynamic aspect of the Divine that exists throughout all creation. The energy of this month calls us into a deeper awareness of our ability to initiate the creative process. This month, tune into your inspirations and take action! When saying this prayer, envision […]
Seeing into the Future – Spiritual Arts Institute
People have often asked if I can see future events in the aura. Sometimes, people want me to be their fortuneteller to reveal what is going to happen to them. It is true that future events do show up in the aura, but what must be remembered is that these future events are potential events. […]
The Aura and Creativity – Spiritual Arts Institute
Creativity is essential both personally and in a progressive society. The world needs creative energy. Regardless if you are an artist or inventor, creativity needs to be part of your life. It is part of your spiritual power and makes life exciting. In today’s scientific world we tend to downplay the arts, yet both […]
Barbara Y. Martin ~ Spiritual Teacher
Who is Barbara Y. Martin? Because of her exceptional spiritual talents, Barbara is affectionately known as “the Mozart of Metaphysics.” Born with the gift of seeing the aura in all its subtleties, Barbara was one of the first to lecture in-depth on the human energy field and is one of the foremost clairvoyants and metaphysical […]
The Love of Art
“What art offers is space – a certain breathing room for the spirit.” John Updike It has been said that art expresses what words can not. A recent study conducted by Professor Semir Zeki, chair of neuroaesthetics at University College London, aims to scientifically validate the importance of art and it’s contribution to our experience […]
Understanding Your Higher Self Through Spiritual Arts
Your Higher Self nature is the key to drawing to your consciousness all the Divine Light, love and inspiration that flows from the divine. It is an essential part of your life and spiritual anatomy. In your aura, the Higher Self appears as a radiant point of light about two feet above your head. You […]
The Seven Spiritual Arts by Barbara Y. Martin
The spiritual path is the most beautiful path you can embark upon – yet it is also the most demanding. Developing your spiritual nature requires effort, dedication and sincerity. It brings out the best in you – gives you courage to overcome adversity, heal conditions in your life and brings talents and abilities to their […]
FAQ About Metaphysics
living-light. What is the purpose of metaphysics? To offer insight and assistance in accelerating the soul’s spiritual unfoldment. news. Is metaphysics a religion? No. Metaphysics is a way of life. It’s a lifestyle that combines an approach, a philosophy, and a practical way of living. change-your-aura. Do I have to give up my religion to […]
Problem Solving with Your Higher Self
Your Higher Self is an indispensable tool in solving problems and challenges. A simple exercise to work with your Higher self is to envision a brilliant golden sun above your head, about two feet. This radiant sun is your Higher Self, your highest nature. It is your direct link to Source. Begin by placing your […]
Why is Working With The Aura Important?
By working with your aura, your energetic blueprint, you can greatly quicken your personal and spiritual progress. You can produce what you desire faster, solve personal problems more effectively, and be able to help others to a greater degree. By making a change in your aura there will automatically be a corresponding change in your […]
What is a Chakra?
“Chakra is the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel of life” or “wheel of force”. These spiritual energy centers are focal points of power for light to move in and out of our consciousness. We all have the same set of chakras, and they all do the same things for us. You are using these centers in […]
The Athlete’s Aura
An Accomplished Athelete The first feature recognizable in this aura are the beautiful striations in the health lines. These stream out to the very edge in a vibrant pearly silver hue. The aura of the physical body itself will be strong as well. Red rays of light will shoot out of the hands showing vitality […]
The Aura of Leadership
And so one of the most unusual and dramatic presidential elections in history has come to a close and the United States has a new leader in Barack Obama. In many ways, Obama represents much more than just a new face in politics, he represents a new way of seeing the world. He is a […]
The Aura and Health
It’s a delight to see that knowledge of the aura and its relationship to health is blossoming with the advent of what is called energy healing or vibrational medicine. Spiritual practices from yoga and acupuncture to Reiki and Qigong all use the body’s spiritual power to generate health and well-being. The aura is essential to […]
The First 7 Years of Life – Spiritual Arts Institute
We all know how important a good upbringing is. In childhood, we form patterns of behavior that we carry for the rest of our lives. If we were fortunate to have been brought up in a loving and supportive environment, that will carry us a long way in life even if later on we meet […]