Can the Color of Your Clothes Affect… Your Aura?
Wearing certain colors can influence our energy and mood. Why? Because the physical color of your clothes is influencing and affecting your spiritual aura! How does this work? What colors are best to wear? And what colors should we definitely stay away from wearing? First a little background: The aura is spiritual energy. Everything you […]
Movement and The Dynamic Power of The Aura
There is a majestic yet mysterious power that is the divine motion of evolution. This spiritual energy is the activity of spirit, and we are all participating in its great cosmic dance. This sacred power goes by the ancient name of Fohat. It is Fohat that stirs souls into action. We embody Fohat according to […]
Uplifting Your Four Key Spiritual Chakras
As part of our spiritual anatomy, we each have spheres of light in our bodies which resemble radiant suns. Commonly known by their ancient Sanskrit name chakras, these energy centers in our aura are key areas of spiritual transformation and expression. If the aura is the first place we make changes in our life, the […]
Forgiveness: An Essential Part of Light Work
It’s not always easy to forgive or ask for forgiveness. But if we don’t, we bog ourselves — and our auras — down. Forgiveness, after all, is an essential part of light work and our spiritual ascent. We’re not perfected yet, so we’re inevitably going to make mistakes. As a result, there will be countless […]
The Aura and the Transcendent Consciousness
As we celebrate the 25th anniversary (third edition) of Change Your Aura, Change Your Life, our knowledge and understanding of the auric field has blossomed. From time immemorial, mystics have been well-versed in the auric field, because this is where we forge our spiritual mettle. In more modern times, Theosophy and other metaphysical teachings brought […]
Ask Your Angels a Question in 7 Easy Steps
Most of us have a vast maelstrom of questions swirling around our minds, whether it be if a job opening is a good fit, what we’re meant to do with our lives, or if the cute guy the cubicle over is a potential romantic partner! And sure, there are friends and family we can turn […]
Uniting the Mystical Traditions of the East and West
Eastern mystical traditions emphasize the highest aspiration is reaching the Ultimate Reality that exists behind the veil of physical matter. Buddhism teaches of Nirvana. The Tao teaches of a return to the source from where all life springs. Hindu metaphysics teaches of attaining enlightenment and uniting with Brahman—the ocean of life. Yet in the Western […]
The Metaphysical Understanding of God
In the 21st century, we are at the threshold of a new era in our understanding and relationship to the Divine. As humanity understands the workings of physical nature better than ever, this beckons us to gain a deeper, more mature understanding of God and the part the Divine plays in our life. Today, God […]
Awakening Your Christ Consciousness
Mystics throughout the ages have taught of a transcendent consciousness. This is the experience of stepping out of the immersion in physical consciousness and gaining a greater, objective experience of the inner, spiritual life. When we are immersed in physical life, we cannot see the spiritual foundations of material existence. We have to transcend beyond […]
Overcoming Mass Hypnosis
We marvel in this information age how much human knowledge is readily accessible and how quickly we can communicate with each other, which has greatly improved the quality of life. Yet we are also keenly aware of the dangers of misinformation and disinformation and how fast that false information can now travel. There is a […]
Bringing Heaven to Earth
While in the midst of life’s challenges, Heaven can feel like a distant wish. When seeing disturbing things happening in the world, the idea of a place of such beauty and perfection can seem more like a dream than something real and tangible to aim for. Yet metaphysics teaches not only is Heaven gloriously real, […]
Collective World Karma – Spiritual Arts Institute
Karma is the law of cause and effect. This eternal law teaches that for every action you take, there is an eventual and inescapable effect to that action. Karma is generated with every thought, word, act and deed. It can reach into any aspect of life. You can have karma related to family, money, health, […]
Traveling to the World of Spirit Through Meditation
Many of us build our lives on the principle of a great beyond and that our actions on Earth determine the kind of life we will have in the hereafter. What’s more, there have been countless cases of people reporting experiences in the spiritual worlds such as near-death experiences and astral travel. These can be […]
Attracting Prosperity with Spiritual Energy
Although money occupies such a central place in our lives, many of us understand little of its spiritual operation. It’s no wonder that we often have problems with finances in one form or another. With all that is going on in the world, expressing the spiritual dimensions of prosperity is more essential than ever. There […]
Rethinking Climate Change
“Audiatur et altera pars – May the other side also be heard.”— English Natural Justice Today, the alarm bells have rang for the “climate crisis.” It has been called the existential threat to our times and put on a level of the nuclear threat of annihilation. If humanity doesn’t act now, irreparable damage that has […]
Creativity and the World of Spirit
When we think of Heaven and the hereafter, we think of the time when we die. Yet the Great Beyond is so much more. Heaven is the foundation to your full creative expression and spiritual unfoldment here in physical life. Many of the key things we accomplish on Earth are first generated in the world […]
The Mystical & the Material – Spiritual Arts Institute
With the titanic rise of modern, material science has been the growing belief that there only is a physical, material universe. This belief has reached not just into science but into all aspects of human life. At same time, there is an unfolding spiritual renaissance, a quest for the deeper spiritual mysteries. Seekers of both […]
What is Spiritual Growth?
More people are having their spiritual awakening than ever before. Yet with all this enthusiasm, many do not have a clear picture of what the spiritual path actually looks like and what the steps are to reach their own soul’s potential. Exploring the process of soul evolution is a monumental task as many aspects of […]
You Don’t Go to Heaven, You Grow to Heaven
By Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis We think of Heaven as a place to aspire to for a life well-lived on Earth. For many, this life is a preparation for the next life. Metaphysics teaches that heaven is not just a place; reaching Heaven is an evolutionary process. You grow to heaven through the […]
The Aura and Truth
By Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis One of the most fascinating aspects of the human aura is it doesn’t lie! Everything you truly think, feel and do is reflected in your auric field. If you are feeling love, then there is an elevating pink energy which reflects that love in your aura. If you […]
Secret Destiny of America
We all know the inspiring story of the formation of the United States—how a rebel colony broke away from the mighty British Empire to establish a new nation in a new land, founded on the highest ideals of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Modeling this new country on the ancient Greek democratic system, […]
Angels & Spiritual Evolution – Spiritual Arts Institute
The angelic realm is a key partner in your spiritual unfoldment and awakening divine consciousness. The angels help you in so many ways. It is incredible how much your life is in their loving hands. As you awaken spiritually, the angels are there supporting you through the divine process. There are seven stages in your […]
Sex & Your Spiritual Ascent
One of the most fascinating yet confusing areas of metaphysics is the relationship of sex to spiritual activity. Many sincere spiritual seekers wonder if they have to give up sex altogether and how sex fits into the picture of our spiritual unfoldment. This is not an easy question to answer because for each person it […]
The Light of the Soul
Divine Light is a miracle of life. As this spiritual energy flows from the divine source, it feeds all creation. The beauty that is your auric field is composed of spiritual energy that you have attracted and embodied. Through this Divine Light, you create and express yourself. Yet there is another essential holy light that […]