Spiritual Power of Candles

Candles have been used since time immemorial for a variety of reasons from the practical, religious and ceremonial, to the decorative and romantic. In your prayers, spiritual healing and meditations—particularly in working with your aura and the Divine Light—candles play a powerful, supportive role. Candles have their own particular force field that is unequaled in […]
What is the Difference Between Prayer and Meditation?

Prayer and Meditation are two complimentary practices that work together. Prayer is a petitioning to God, it’s a petitioning to the Divine. It’s a reaching out. When I pray, when anyone prays it’s to make a connection with the Divine source to be part of that eternal. Meditating is a receiving from God so as […]
A Prayer for Our Nation

As one of the most dramatic and unexpected election seasons comes to its conclusion, we have a new president elect. Regardless of how you feel about the results—happy, scared or uncertain—it’s time to come together as a nation and support our new leader. The Holy Ones are saying that they do see good things ahead […]
Teach Children to Meditate – Spiritual Arts Institute

By Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis: It’s exciting to see with more people interested in the aura and spiritual energy that many parents are wishing their children to be a part of that experience. Many times, it’s the children themselves who are expressing interest or have had an experience seeing spiritual light. If your […]
The Aura and Leadership

We are all given the test of leadership at one point or another. It’s part of our spiritual growth as many talents and character traits must be developed to be an effective leader. There are lessons for those who lead and for those who are under the leadership of someone. When in a leadership role, […]
A Meditative Prayer for The Holiday Season

The holiday season is a glorious time when the celestial hierarchy comes particularly close, sending Divine Light to uplift and inspire all humanity. Now, more than ever, do your best to keep in positive spirits to allow yourself to receive this great outpouring of light so you may be a channel of peace, loving kindness, […]
Habits of Joyful People – Spiritual Arts Institute

By Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis Life isn’t always easy. So how do joyful people get through a rough day? Here are some guidelines for a joyful life from The Kingdom of Light Teachings to use day-to-day to help meet challenges with a smile. Have A Spiritual Practice Joy is a perpetual state of […]
October Spiritual Q&A – Spiritual Arts Institute

Your Spiritual Questions Answered! Every month Barbara and Dimitri answer your most pressing questions about metaphysics and spiritual growth. JM asks: I’m having a hard time practicing forgiveness. How can I forgive, even when it’s hard? Barbara & Dimitri’s Answer: No question, forgiveness can be one of the hardest things to do. Yet it is […]
May/June 2015 Newsletter – Spiritual Arts Institute

LATEST NEWS Following this month’s theme on refreshing your inspiration, we are offering an exciting free workshop and teleclass Walking with the Angels of Guidance and Direction Saturday, June 27, in-person in Santa Monica, CA and via telephone Monday, June 29. Click here to register » As part of our goals for 2015, plans have […]
Harmony and Vibration

We hear so much about mind-body-soul harmony. Certainly it is our job to bring these differing facets of our nature into balance and equilibrium. In addition to harmonizing with each other, mind, body and soul must be in harmony within themselves. If the body is not harmonized, it is difficult to balance the body with […]
Symphony in the Congo – Spiritual Arts Institute

Deep in the heart of the Congo, a nation torn by civil war and poverty, one man’s love of music has transcended all obstacles and created the impossible – a symphony in the Congo. Armand Diangienda was a pilot by trade, but when the airline he worked for went bankrupt he decided to follow his […]
Meditation: How Minutes A Day Changes Your Brain

Inspirations minutes of meditation a day can change the structure of the brain. New research from UCLA’s Laboratory of Neuro Imaging (LONI) has reveled that people who meditate regularly are in fact building their brains. The study compared the MRI scans of 50 people who do not meditate with 50 who did. The results were […]
How Meditation Inspires the World

Meditation is inspiring millions of people the world over to join together in supportive community and actively improve their lives and the world we live in. Young and seasoned practitioners alike are finding new ways to work together and are uniting under a common goal ~ Positive Spiritual Evolution. Wake Up London, a group of […]
How to Attract Prosperity

Metaphysics teaches that to attract prosperity you must look within yourself. All the prosperity you’ll ever need is already with you, right now. Following the spiritual point of view that all physical manifestations are the result of inner, spiritual causes, it follows that all physical expressions of wealth and prosperity result from an inner spiritual […]
The Power of the Mind

A positive mental attitude is essential for a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Our thoughts have the power to lift us up, or tear us down. We have the free will to create joy, peace and love with our thinking, or we can choose to create stress, fear, anxiety, and all the other feelings that […]
Living in Peace

From Change Your Aura, Change Your Life, by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis “In times of stress, worry, fear, sadness or grief one of the most helpful energies of all is the deep purple ray of Spiritual Peace. This ray can reach deep within to soothe and calm your soul. There may be impulses […]
Divine Peace

From Barbara Martin’s first book, Change Your Aura, Change Your Life: “Deep purple is the ray of light to call on for divine peace. The deep purple ray is essential for quieting the mind and emotions. This ray offers one of the best ways to help you release the stress and strain of the world […]
Colors of the Aura: Week One – Spiritual Arts Institute

“The spiritual energies of God come through in a kaleidoscope of colors and hues that are vibrant and alive. Our being is filled with color. Each color and shade of the aura has a unique meaning.” ~Barbara Y. Martin Meditating with different spiritual energy colors help you to align with the divine attributes associated with […]
Clearing Negative Thoughts

“You create the parameters of what you will and will not allow yourself to do, and you do this through your thinking. You must recognize that, in whatever state you find your thinking, you can always change that thinking if you so desire. You are in control of your thinking! Our thoughts create our experiences, […]
Spiritual Energy

All of creation is teeming with spiritual energy, or consciousness. For each stage of life, energy works a little differently depending upon need and characteristic. As energy relates to individual kingdoms and planes of consciousness it takes on various properties. The angelic kingdoms work within their energy field, the animal kingdom in theirs, the nature […]
What is Spiritual Energy?

Spiritual energy may be defined as the Divine Light that propels the life force of God to all creation. In other words, there has to be a power that sends the love of God, the peace of God, the wisdom of God, and all the attributes of God to each of us. Spiritual light is […]
Religion and Metaphysics

Q: Do I have to give up my religion to walk the metaphysical path? A: The answer is a resounding no. You can most definitely continue your religious practice and embrace the metaphysical path. As a matter of fact, metaphysics can deepen your understanding and appreciation of the religion you may be practicing. Metaphysics […]
The Healing Power of Your Aura on YouTube

Barbara and Dimitri talk about The Healing Power of your Aura on KVAL News in Eugene, Oregon!
Taking Time to Meditate

Q: What do I do when I don’t have time to meditate? A: In our list of most often asked questions, this question is more often put as a statement, “I don’t have time to meditate! I’m too busy.” Of course it’s up to you if you wish to take the time to meditate. Naturally, […]